Jeremiah and Lilly had a great time. Lilly just loves to hang out with Jere!! (as you can tell in the pic!!)
The next ed pic is a picture of the man that we named Harley after!! I have known him for quite sometime now. I always loved his name but only for a girl though!!
Harley's appointment for her brain testing went well the doctors thought she is doing well considering the start she had!! Now we are waiting for Sept. 23 that is for another heart echo to see if the hole in her heart is healing itself. If not we will have a few options to think about. Putting her back on the heart med. or surgery, we hope its fixing on its own.
Oh yes and the third pic is a picture of my sister Julie holding both of my other sisters Theresa's twins (aren't they tiny.) They are only 3 weeks old there and I think they we're weighting about 7 pounds a piece. Now they are about ten pounds a piece how they grow fast!!
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