WOW What a day. It is nearly 12 hours after Harley was born and just getting to updating everyone. Were do I start. Emily started going into labor at around 4:00 this morning. We waited until about 8:00 to go to the hospital. When we arrived at the hospital she was already a 6 dilated. She moved to a 7 in a hour and to a 8 at around 11:30. The doctor broke her water and then discovered muconeum (not sure on the spelling) We then went to a emergency C section.
At 12:30 Harley arrived. She was having trouble holding her oxygen levels were they needed to be. So she got moved to the Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit. Were they have now placed her on a ventilator to help clear some fluid in her lungs. At last check at 11:00 she was doing good. Her oxygen usage was decreasing and she was more comfortable. We will know more in 24hrs will have more pics tomorrow. Dave Emily and Harley
Ohh just about forgot she was 7 lbs 10oz and 20 1/4 long
Congratulations! Scottie called today to say she had arrived so I did a blog search and luckily I found you. What a sweetheart she is! Now Addison can have a girl to play with. Congrats again. So happy for you guys! Good to hear she's doing better. How is Emily?
Congratulations on your beautiful little girl! Hope everyone is doing better and that both of you are resting up so you are ready to pull those "all nighters" when little Harley gets to go home! Take care and best wishes to all!!
Shane & Cheryl Sherman
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