Hi all its been awhile, we know hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Yes you are really seeing it!! Harley can army crawl. She's growing to fast. She will be 8 months the 28th. She has a doctor's appointment Tuesday for her development skills again, but we all know she is right on, so we are not worried at all about this appointment. We all want to wish you all Happy Holidays from our family to your family!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Her first NU game
Harley had a great time at the game. She really enjoys watching volleyball, or rather any kind of sports. If you were watching it on TV and watched it long enough after the game you should have saw us (Me and her) we made it on TV. As you can see it tuckered her out she fell fast asleep on the way home.
Well the bottom picture is the Sherman twins!!! They are both home safe and sound. Gray is still on the feeding tube and is on a monitor, but hey he's home and we are all very happy for that. They seem to be doing well. Gracie is 7 pounds and gray is also 7 pounds so they are gaining well. Glad to have them home for the holidays!!!!

Well the bottom picture is the Sherman twins!!! They are both home safe and sound. Gray is still on the feeding tube and is on a monitor, but hey he's home and we are all very happy for that. They seem to be doing well. Gracie is 7 pounds and gray is also 7 pounds so they are gaining well. Glad to have them home for the holidays!!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
How they grow!!!
Well Harley is 6 months and 10 days!! She is growing to fast for momma. THANK YOU so much Aunt Karen for my spoons they are out of this world. They feed me just right. She is setting with out help as you can see in her high chair. We both wish she would slow down but we all know that is not going to happen:< :<:< :>:>:>
We roasted a turkey breast that we had in the freezer and I boned it out and found the wish bone and gave it to Harley to see what she would do well, we all make fun of Grandma Sherman of being a bone eater thought well Harley is just like her!! HAHAHA Love you so Grandma!!! We wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving:):):)

We roasted a turkey breast that we had in the freezer and I boned it out and found the wish bone and gave it to Harley to see what she would do well, we all make fun of Grandma Sherman of being a bone eater thought well Harley is just like her!! HAHAHA Love you so Grandma!!! We wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving:):):)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First Holloween
Well it was Harley Robert and Ruby's first Halloween it was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time at grandma and grandpa Shermans!! Harley spent the day there and then we came home and handed out candy to our big 6 trick or treaters yeah that's all we had. Then we went down to the bar and that is where Harley turned into a ghost, she was so cute. The gools and goblins all enjoyed her there, we had a lot of fun.
News on our latest twins Gracey is doing well still has her nights and days a little mixed up, but doing fine. As for Gray well they still don't know why he has such high blood pressure. They are doing some test but they all seem to come out fine haven't quite figured him out yet, so of course he is still in the hospital. We are all praying so for him!!!

News on our latest twins Gracey is doing well still has her nights and days a little mixed up, but doing fine. As for Gray well they still don't know why he has such high blood pressure. They are doing some test but they all seem to come out fine haven't quite figured him out yet, so of course he is still in the hospital. We are all praying so for him!!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
4th Annual Lubben/Sherman Hayrackride
Hey all we had a beautiful day for our annual Lubben/Sherman hay rack ride. As you can see the kids they grow so fast. I think now our twins are weighing in at about 15 pounds a piece and of course Harley is about 20 pounds wow. She will be 6 months old Tuesday the 28th.
We had a little set back with Gray he was rushed back up to the hospital the 13th and is still there having some problems with his blood pressure, but is weighing in at 6 pounds. Although Gracie came home the 19th of October and is doing well as of what Mark says. We haven't gone to see her yet, so no new picture of that little one yet. Mark also add that Gracie has her nights and days backwards but that I believe is more commmon then most think. But they are enjoying every minute with her.

We had a little set back with Gray he was rushed back up to the hospital the 13th and is still there having some problems with his blood pressure, but is weighing in at 6 pounds. Although Gracie came home the 19th of October and is doing well as of what Mark says. We haven't gone to see her yet, so no new picture of that little one yet. Mark also add that Gracie has her nights and days backwards but that I believe is more commmon then most think. But they are enjoying every minute with her.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Growing Every Day
Hey all boy how they grow huh!!?? We have some really really good news our newest addition well I should say Mark and Dawns newest addition one of them has come home little Gray came home Wednesday the 8th how exciting is that!! AWESOME That is Mark feeding him in the picture. We had a family shower for the little guy welcoming him in our lives.
Harley is doing well as you can see by the pictures she absolutely loves to watch sports with her Papa weird can you say shes a Lubben???? Shes waiting patently til she is big enough or until her parents are ready for her to go on a Harley Davidson motorcycle ride shes got her do rag on and ready HAHA
My sister Julie had a hold of Harley at the shower and got her just a giggling and caught it on tape hope you enjoy it we all did.

Harley is doing well as you can see by the pictures she absolutely loves to watch sports with her Papa weird can you say shes a Lubben???? Shes waiting patently til she is big enough or until her parents are ready for her to go on a Harley Davidson motorcycle ride shes got her do rag on and ready HAHA
My sister Julie had a hold of Harley at the shower and got her just a giggling and caught it on tape hope you enjoy it we all did.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hey Aunt Angie I think I have gotten this bouncy thing down now I have been working on it for some time now!!!! I don't know how to thank you enough for all the things you have givin me I LOVE YOU SO!! :> :) :?
Hey Robert and Ruby thanks so much for spending the day with me I had alot of fun we will have to do it again very soon.:>

Hey Robert and Ruby thanks so much for spending the day with me I had alot of fun we will have to do it again very soon.:>
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hey all well we had some great appointments!!!! September 3rd was her four month appointment and it well. Dr. Stukelburg says she is right on. She is 26 inches long and 16.5 pounds. He said we could start her on baby food but in my mind I don't want to grow her up to fast needles to say I don't think she is needing it. Maybe next month or so.
Well Harley got her first cold (September 16th) we think it is a viral one because the amoxicillin is not quite working as well as we expected. It has been threw me now David has it, yeah.
We had our first family pictures taken as well(September the 20th). We had them taken at Coryell Park in Johnson there were so many beautiful settings that we had a hard time picking from the ones that were taken.
Now for the appointment we have be waiting for. Harley's heart echo!!! Harley's hole that was in her heart is significantly smaller not quite yet closed but very very close. So that means they would like to have it close on its own no med or anything else what a relief!!! She will go back when she turns one for one more look. Then we believe that will be all of that!!! That's what the Doctor says.
Here is Harley and her cousin Angie at her college dorm we had a great time it was a lot of fun eating lunch and checking out your dorm!!

Well Harley got her first cold (September 16th) we think it is a viral one because the amoxicillin is not quite working as well as we expected. It has been threw me now David has it, yeah.
We had our first family pictures taken as well(September the 20th). We had them taken at Coryell Park in Johnson there were so many beautiful settings that we had a hard time picking from the ones that were taken.
Now for the appointment we have be waiting for. Harley's heart echo!!! Harley's hole that was in her heart is significantly smaller not quite yet closed but very very close. So that means they would like to have it close on its own no med or anything else what a relief!!! She will go back when she turns one for one more look. Then we believe that will be all of that!!! That's what the Doctor says.
Here is Harley and her cousin Angie at her college dorm we had a great time it was a lot of fun eating lunch and checking out your dorm!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Harley's day with the twins!!!
Well as you can see the twins are packing the pounds on. There's actually something to hold on to now. Ruby is a fluffy heavy if that makes any senses and Robert is a little brick shit house, HAHA But as you can see Harley's a moose compared to Ruby!! They are almost exactly 3 months apart. Quite a difference. First pic is Ruby and the second is Robert.

A WORLD OF THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey all sorry we haven't up dated for quite some time!!(we have been busy as usual) We want to thank everyone that came to our little girls benefit as you can see in some of the pic's it was a very good turn out!! We also want to give a BIG thank you to the folks that couldn't make it as well!
Jeremiah and Lilly had a great time. Lilly just loves to hang out with Jere!! (as you can tell in the pic!!)
The next ed pic is a picture of the man that we named Harley after!! I have known him for quite sometime now. I always loved his name but only for a girl though!!
Harley's appointment for her brain testing went well the doctors thought she is doing well considering the start she had!! Now we are waiting for Sept. 23 that is for another heart echo to see if the hole in her heart is healing itself. If not we will have a few options to think about. Putting her back on the heart med. or surgery, we hope its fixing on its own.
Oh yes and the third pic is a picture of my sister Julie holding both of my other sisters Theresa's twins (aren't they tiny.) They are only 3 weeks old there and I think they we're weighting about 7 pounds a piece. Now they are about ten pounds a piece how they grow fast!!

Jeremiah and Lilly had a great time. Lilly just loves to hang out with Jere!! (as you can tell in the pic!!)
The next ed pic is a picture of the man that we named Harley after!! I have known him for quite sometime now. I always loved his name but only for a girl though!!
Harley's appointment for her brain testing went well the doctors thought she is doing well considering the start she had!! Now we are waiting for Sept. 23 that is for another heart echo to see if the hole in her heart is healing itself. If not we will have a few options to think about. Putting her back on the heart med. or surgery, we hope its fixing on its own.
Oh yes and the third pic is a picture of my sister Julie holding both of my other sisters Theresa's twins (aren't they tiny.) They are only 3 weeks old there and I think they we're weighting about 7 pounds a piece. Now they are about ten pounds a piece how they grow fast!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Some first
Hey all got's some new pic's!! We had an eventful 2 weeks Harley had quite a few first!! We took a ride in Grandpa Sherman's boat and we took a ride in a tractor although it wasn't a deer it was a ride. We had a great day spending they day lounging with the Lubben family July 12th. Uncle Brad took Harley in the swimming pool she really enjoyed that!! Angie, Matt, Jer, @ Joe had a great time holding and feeding and playing with her all day (well the time she was a wake!! Ha Ha)
Papa just had to get her in her camouflage outfit a couple had given her when she came home!! Aren't they cute!!
Hey Aunt Angie I got in my bouncy the other day!!!! Don't I look cutie!! Thanks so much for it I really love it!!
Oh and buy the way we all can enjoy loving and watching our new addition to the Sherman/Gravatt family THE TWINS are here aren't they adorable!! On the left is Ruby Jane 5p 7oz and on the right is Robert Thomas 4p 14oz July the the 7th!!!

Papa just had to get her in her camouflage outfit a couple had given her when she came home!! Aren't they cute!!
Hey Aunt Angie I got in my bouncy the other day!!!! Don't I look cutie!! Thanks so much for it I really love it!!
Oh and buy the way we all can enjoy loving and watching our new addition to the Sherman/Gravatt family THE TWINS are here aren't they adorable!! On the left is Ruby Jane 5p 7oz and on the right is Robert Thomas 4p 14oz July the the 7th!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
NO Oxygen? No Monitor?
Yes we are now cord free. Harley had a Dr. Appointment with Dr Martin her cardiologist this morning. She had a ecogram done that showed some good progress with her hole between the two ventricles and also some decreasing in the thickness of the muscle in the right ventricle which is good. She said that the hole is small enough now that she is almost 100% sure that is will close on its own.
Below the first picture is of Harley next to her bear given to her form the Koehler's. I know the second picture is not very good but that is me when I was a baby. Is there any doubt that she looks like her father. Everyone have a safe 4th of July!!! The Lubben's

Below the first picture is of Harley next to her bear given to her form the Koehler's. I know the second picture is not very good but that is me when I was a baby. Is there any doubt that she looks like her father. Everyone have a safe 4th of July!!! The Lubben's
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hello Ben and Nick I slepted so well with my teddy last night!!! Thank you SO much that was very thoughtful of you guys!! :-)
Grandpa and I had a laugh or two on Thursday thanks for spending the day with me grandma and grandpa Sherman!!:->
We'll we are all doing well. Hopefully things go well June 25th Harley has her Echo done to see if the heart med. is closing the two holes left in her heart that are still open!! Then maybe the oxygen will come off then the monitor!! Keep your fingers crossed!! Until then The Lubben's

Grandpa and I had a laugh or two on Thursday thanks for spending the day with me grandma and grandpa Sherman!!:->
We'll we are all doing well. Hopefully things go well June 25th Harley has her Echo done to see if the heart med. is closing the two holes left in her heart that are still open!! Then maybe the oxygen will come off then the monitor!! Keep your fingers crossed!! Until then The Lubben's
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Baptisim Day
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
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