Thursday, December 26, 2013
Christmas 2013
Well Harley and Trey got there Puppy from Santa, but he won't be here until the 17th of January. They also got PJ's and a NABI (IPad for kids) for both of them. Poor kids had to count down till Christmas. Now they have to count down the days till puppy arrives.
And yes it's becoming to be a great tradition for the kids to get these sugar cookies with their names on them :) Thanks to a great friend Lori Colby don't know what me and the kids would do with out cha girl !!!!!! Wishing all a MERRY CHRISTMAS :)
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Kids CHRISTMAS programs :)
Trey had his Christmas program Dec. 5th 2013 :) He did a GREAT job!! Trey absolutely loves school. He still is not quite sure of SANTA but he try's :) We went to the graduation of Harleys from the NICU at St. E's on Dec. the 7th 2013 it was her 5th year :) Trey didn't want to sit on SANTA'S lap but was a big boy to get his picture taken with Mama and his sister ONE PROUD moment for us!!!!!!!!! Wanna thank PAPAW GRANNY and JUJU for going it truly meant the world to HARLEY :) Harleys Christmas program was Dec. 12, 2013 and again she did a fabulous job!! You made a very cute penguin sweetheart Mama and Dad are also VERY proud of you toooo!!!
Monday, December 9, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Holloween 2013
Yup that time a year again HOLIDAYS :) The kiddos are super excited for Halloween and so is mom!! They are getting to the age that its fun and they know what's up. We truly enjoy having football parties in the garage as well!!! Harley and Trey look forward to it every weekend because they KNOW that their cousins RUBY and ROBERT come to play :) As you can see they are growin growin and growin. Harley absolutely LOVES school and Trey does as well. Until the next holiday HOPE ALL HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN The Lubbens
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Save the BOOBS!!!!!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Well another fabulous Labor Day weekend in the Books. As always we went to Branched Oak near Lincoln. We always go there with some family and many friends. First two days were a little hot but it cooled off nicely on Sunday and Monday. This is definitely a weekend the kids look forward to every year.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
First Day of School 2013
Monday August 19th Trey had to of his teeth pulled. Harley Lost her first tooth in Minnesota while visiting her Aunt Angie Uncle Kurt Cousins Owen Symon Lilly and Sophia!! Lilly helped her pull it :) TODAY August 20th 2013 is the kiddos 1st day at school Harley a Kindergartener and Treys 1st year at Prek GOOD LUCK KIDS Mom and Dad love you.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Trey Turns 4
Happy Birthday Trey the Big 4 we love you so much. We had a birthday party for trey and his aunt Julie today. We had a lot of family and friends there, it was especially surprising to see his Aunt Angie come all the way from MN (It was a Good Surprise) one we will never forget. We want to thank everyone who came out to celebrate our little mans Birthday.

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